Monday, January 13, 2014

Happy New Year! New Year's Goals!

Happy New Year! 

Its a New Year! What's my New Year Goal:

A. Spend more time with the Lord
B. Financial Freedom - no more 9 to 5
B. Get out of debt
C. Eat healthier
D. Go to Music School
E.Get my demo done
F. Start laying down tracks for my new album

The first thing you need to eat healthier is buying good cookware. I bought a non-stick cookware set that I had to return. I found out that non stick pan have teflon on it that causes cancer. So, I bought a stainless steel cookware set that has no non-stick mess on it. I plan on also getting the cast iron cookware set too. Here's to healthy cooking:

Photo: My cookware set has finally arrived! Let the cooking begin! Nigerian food it is!